Pre School News

After the Easter break we started the new term with a new topic – Spring time and growing inside and out.

Our letters this term will be A to Q, our numbers 1 to 20, shape of this term is the Flower and colour of the term is Yellow.

We will have a visit from Reverend Sue Booys,and also Linda the Librarian from Berinsfield Library. We will be taking Spring walks around the Hurst and the allotments looking for plants sprouting and watching them grow over the term. Children will be playing in the garden and will have gardening sessions with our lovely administrator Hayley. We will also watch big school’s Maypole dancing and be doing P.E. in the school hall.

The large shed in the playground has been cleared to be used as an outdoor classroom. We hope to raise funds to properly insulate the shed so it can be used for much more of the year.

Kristina Palm,
Pre School Secretary,
Pre School

No election on 3 May 2018

Unlike other parts of the county, South Oxfordshire & Vale of White Horse District Councils are not having an election on 3 May 2018 so we wont be sending out any voting cards or postal votes to residents in our district.

South Oxfordshire & Vale of White Horse District Councils next scheduled elections are in May 2019

Please make sure you are registered to vote for these elections, and if not please visit

If you’d like further information on elections or to find out who your local councillor is, please visit our website

Hurst Water Meadow Trust News

As I write this in April the rain continues to fall and the meadows are largely under water. This is frustrating for walkers, joggers and dog owners but, if nothing else, we will appreciate the meadows all the more when we can return to using them. I hope that by the time this May issue of Dorchester News is published the water will have drained and new grasses and wild flowers will be growing.

The polo ponies grazed the Hurst efficiently, without escaping too often, and went home on 1st March. Their owner sent his thanks saying: “People were very nice to them and it’s great to have the support of those who use the meadow regularly.”

In Old Bridge Meadow the next section of hedge on the boundary with the car park was laid by three experts: Will, Max and Peter, who live locally and who very kindly offered to do this work for us so that they could practise their skills. They have done a beautiful job and taught us that a laid hedge has a front and a back. You will be looking at the front as you walk past it in the meadow.

In early March we were joined once again by members of Sonning Common Green Gym who helped us to lay blackthorn and deepen ditches in the Hurst. Meanwhile trustee Chris Smith, who manages our own volunteers, was frustrated by the weather and unable to start the Tuesday morning work sessions on the meadows as soon as he and the volunteers would have wished. They will be playing ‘catch-up’ as the nettles start to grow.

Mystery donation

A cheque, payable to the Hurst Water Meadow Trust, was sent to our treasurer in March but was not accompanied by any other information. The signatory of the cheque is not someone we know so I have been unable to write to thank this kind supporter. If the donor happens to read this please accept the grateful thanks of the trustees for your unexpected and generous gift.

Gillian Johnson (Hon. Secretary) on behalf of the Trustees

01865 340925


Thursday 12th April at 10.30 am, at Rippon College, Cuddeson and Denton, Oxon OX44 9EX

Please join us to meet supporters of the EAG including councillors and representatives from many of the 34 Parishes that now make up the EAG membership protesting against the OxCam Expressway in the beautiful Cuddeson valley which would be affected by all three of the possible corridors being considered by Highways England without any proper public consultation. Dorchester could also be affected by the routes depending on the final choice by Highways England this summer. This is your chance to be in the news for this good cause.

Meet in the car park at Rippon College, where we will then go to a vantage point over Cuddesdon valley which has terrific views over the Thame valley, and is now heavily flooded.  Cuddesdon is approximately 100 feet above river, so great views over the valley.