Volunteers sought for 9th September at the cemetery

Over the past year a group of volunteers have helped clear weeds, sow grass seed and spring bulbs on one side of the cemetery path at the rear of the Page Furlong gardens. This has made the area a much more pleasant place to sit and enjoy the surroundings now that the weeds and pile of soil have been removed. The Parish Council are looking at the cost of replacing the waste bins which will also make a major difference.

However, some of the magnificent trees in the cemetery are under threat from the effects of ivy. Once ivy reaches the tree canopy it can strangle the tree and can cause it to go into terminal decline. As you will know ivy is plentiful in Dorchester. It does not take very much time or effort to cut the ivy at about ground level so that it dies back and averts the threat

If you can spare an hour or two on Saturday 9th September from about 10am your help will be very much appreciated.

Best Regards
Chris Hill

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